Welcome to thechildrenrock.com - the official site of pop/rock group Abraham's Children, internationally recognized for their huge success in the 70's with a string of hits that included songs like Gypsy, Goodbye Farewell, Goddess Of Nature, Thank You and more ...songs that can still be heard on radio stations today. These guys have been rockin' for over 30 years. Their latest album, ABRAHAM'S CHILDREN 30, released a couple of years marked the celebration of 3 decades of great music by The Children. Over the years the band has toured extensively and played to audiences that have ranged in size from intimate clubs such as L.A.'s legendary Whiskey A-Go-Go to large stadiums and arenas. Check the tourdates page and mark your calendars to see AC live. Once again, AC is set to embark on the killing road and will be playing the old favorites, as well as new material, to the thousands of fans that can still appreciate good music and a quality performance. We know you will enjoy cruising our pages. Here you will be able to listen to the music, browse the store, check upcoming tour dates and hear what others have to say. This is one of the very few sites that offers exclusive items and music of Jimi Bertucci and Abraham's Children. Over the years we have had millions of visitors from all over the globe. We thank you for not only surfing on our site, but for all the support through your purchases and comments. Please feel free to tell your friends so that they can discover some great music. Keep in mind we love to receive photos or any live footage of the band. If you have any AC material that you feel we could use we will gladly credit you. If you have any questions, feedback or comments please email us Enjoy! Marisa Lang - President & CEO BNOrecordingUSA All site content (e.g. clips, stills, designs, audio samples,writings videos, etc.) is protected by intellectual property law any use without the written permission is strictly prohibited.

©2018 All rights reserved.Marisa Lang Management. email us info@thechildrenrock.com PLEASE CONTACT THE WEBMASTER IF YOU NOTICE ANY PROBLEMS WITH THE PAGES 

"ON THE RADIO" ALL THE HITS AND MORE. https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/on-the-radio/269358405